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The European Union and Rwandan mission to the African Union will co-host a high-level public dialogue on EU/AU cooperation on digital infrastructure and a digital single market. This significant event, organized by a consortium of African and European think tanks, including ACET, ECDPM, ISS, and PCNS, will take place both in-person and online on June 7, 2023, at 16:30 p.m. EAT.

The objective of this dialogue is to bring together diverse perspectives from European and African countries to address key questions, challenges, and opportunities in expanding investment in digital infrastructure and fostering the development of an African digital single market.

Preceding the public event, a small, closed-door workshop on the same topics will be held on June 6, 2023. The insights and outcomes from this workshop will inform the subsequent public dialogue, allowing for a more comprehensive and informed discussion.

The event will be held at the Radisson Blu hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Participants can also join virtually to contribute to the conversation.

Participants can anticipate an enriching program that features esteemed speakers, including experts, policymakers, and industry leaders from both continents. The event will delve into various dimensions of EU/AU cooperation on digital infrastructure, exploring strategies, policies, and innovative approaches to advance the digital agenda and foster economic growth.

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