Emily Penu

Front Desk & Admin Officer


Emily Penu is our Front Desk and Admin Officer. Her responsibilities at ACET include office management, assisting with travels and accommodation for staff, and general human resources and administrative roles.

She has over 7 years’ experience in Customer Service, Conference Management & Training, Human Resources, and Administration and more than 13 years of informal training in Model United Nations and Diplomacy from the Life-Link Friendship of Schools in Ghana. Her experience in this field and background in Psychology puts her in a better position to relate to people from different parts of the world and enrich her understanding of diversity among people and opinions.

She holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and English from the University of Ghana, Legon. Emily is an Intermediate Level Sign Language Interpreter and loves to read novels in her leisure times.
