Economic growth is not enough to drive the change that Africa needs. For countries to truly develop – to reduce poverty, build good infrastructure, educate our young people and create decent jobs – it needs to transform. Our recipe for transformation is growth with DEPTH. This is growth underpinned by Diversified production and export structures, enhanced Export competitiveness, increased Productivity, and promotes Technological advancements, all in service of improved Human well-being. Transformation creates resilient economic systems that can withstand shocks like pandemics, climate disasters, economic downturns, and more.

Through our work on Economic Management & Governance, we are establishing and sustaining growth with DEPTH as a leading economic development paradigm in Africa. We also help governments develop and implement public policies and investments that provide supportive infrastructure and services and maintain a regulatory environment conducive to creative entrepreneurial activity. Through our fellowship programs and participation in national and international consortiums, we are forging effective partnerships between public institutions and the private sector.

Key Contacts

Pan-African Coalition for Transformation (PACT)

PACT rallies governments and key policymakers to come together and apply pressure on a continental level to implement policies for transformation at both the national and continental level.

Compact with Africa (CwA)

To address governance challenges, we have organized several peer learning events as part of the Compact with Africa (CwA) initiative and the German Reform Partnership (RP) Program.

Compact for Economic and Political Transformation in Ghana

Ghana’s economic and political transformation requires a cohesive vision and concerted implementation that supersedes political parties and ideologies.
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