Written by: Charles Dollie

His Excellency Mr. President, Honorable Ministers of State, Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I am very honored to be here with you all to help Ivor Agyeman-Duah launch this interesting and exciting compilation of ideas on Ghana’s economic history.

Thank you for that warm introduction, Madame Chairperson. This is the third time this year that I have had the pleasure of being introduced by you and in such a graceful manner.  And again, happy birthday from yesterday.

His Excellency Mr. President, I am particularly honored you have found time from your busy schedule to be part of us this evening. The challenge for me of having you here is that I have to say something profound and insightful and do so in a way that does not get me into trouble!

In my remarks today I will first talk about the book, specifically about some lessons that it offers from the past. Then I will talk about our present economic situation and about the components of an economic transformation in Ghana in the longer term.

Finally, given that we are about to pick a new government, I will suggest some social and economic indicators by which we might judge the success of the next administration.

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